I want to thank everyone for attending IAC’s Midwinter Legislative Conference. While there wasn’t a lot of activity at the Capitol, there was plenty to discuss with your legislators. I hope each of you had the opportunity to meet with your legislators while you were in town to discuss the legislative issues most important to …
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We are one week out from IAC’s largest annual event: the IAC Midwinter Legislative Conference. The timing of the conference is perfect this year, as things begin to heat up in the Statehouse. We’re also holding the conference downtown at the Boise Center for the first time; an easy four blocks from the Idaho Capitol. …
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The Secretary of State’s office and the Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks (IACRC) enjoyed election training at the Riverside Hotel from January 3-5, 2024. The conference covered the latest election trends, information, technologies, and hands-on training with elections software. Secretary of State Phil McGrane kicked off the meeting by announcing a proclamation from …
By Chris Goetz, ISA Immediate Past President & Clearwater County Sheriff The Idaho Sheriffs’ Association (ISA) and the Idaho Jail Administrators Association (IJAA) had a full agenda at their 2023 Annual Conference held in Boise December 11-14. The conference kicked off with a Board of Directors meeting and welcome reception on Monday night and got …
The 2023 Fall County Officials Institute (COI) kicked off with the first training taking place in Nampa, Idaho, on Thursday, November 9th. The training was conducted by Seth Grigg, IAC’s Executive Director, and Sara Westbrook, IAC’s Director of Government Affairs. Both covered topics on Conflicts of Interest, Local Governance in Idaho, and Intergovernmental Coordination. Washington …
Idaho’s First Digital Government Summit was held on Thursday, August 10, 2023, at the Boise Centre. The event was created to bring industry experts, government stakeholders, and digital leaders together for meaningful discussions on Idaho’s technological challenges and solutions. “We need the ability to engage and the Digital Government Summit gives us that opportunity when …
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Several of Idaho’s county elected officials, county staff, and four members of Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) staff traveled to Austin, Texas, to attend the 2023 National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference & Exposition July 21 to July 24 at the Austin Convention Center. The event attracted county members and state associations from across …
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The Idaho Association of Commissioners & Clerks (IACC) gathered in Moscow, Idaho, from June 6 – 8 for their 2023 Annual Conference. The conference kicked off with the Opening Session and welcome remarks from Owyhee County Clerk Angie Barkell, followed by an ethics presentation from Nez Perce County Clerk Patty Weeks and a discussion on …
The 2023 Spring County Officials Institute (COI) has wrapped with four trainings taking place around the state during the month of May. IAC Policy Staff traveled to Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Coeur d’Alene, and Boise to provide Idaho’s county elected officials and county staff a comprehensive review of the 2023 Legislative Session and training on …
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The Idaho Sheriffs’ Association (ISA) and the Idaho Jail Administrators Association (IJAA) held their 2023 Spring Conference at the Sun Valley Resort from May 9 – 11. The event drew sheriffs, jail administrators, and deputies from around Idaho for presentations and training from subject matter experts, roundtable discussions, business meetings, committee reports, awards, and more. …