Legislative Council Establishes Summer Interim Committees

2 Aug 2021, by Seth Grigg Share :

The Legislative Council met on Tuesday, July 13th to formalize interim committees. Due to the extended legislative session, interim committees will begin meeting later than in previous years. In total, the Legislative Council authorized seven interim committees and two study committees. IAC will monitor four of the committees:

– Committee on Federalism

– Committee on Uniform Accounting and Transparency

– Study Committee on Expenditure of ARPA Funds

– Study Committee on Property Taxes and Revenue Expenditures

The Committee on Federalism is co-chaired by Senator Steve Vick (Kootenai County) and Representative Sage Dixon (Bonner and Boundary Counties). Members include Senator Dan Johnson, Senator Mark Harris, Senator Carl Crabtree, Senator David Nelson, Representative Judy Boyle, Representative Megan Blanksma, Representative Wendy Horman, and Representative Chris Mathias. The committee will be of interest to counties this year because it will focus on identifying solutions to determine the tax equivalency of federally managed lands to compare with actual PILT payments. 

The Committee on Uniform Accounting and Transparency is co-chaired by Senator Jim Rice (Canyon County) and Representative Steve Harris (Ada County). Committee members include Senator Jeff Agenbroad, Senator Ali Rabe, Representative Jim Addis, and Representative Brooke Green. The Committee on Uniform Accounting and Transparency was established by House Bill 73 and will also include State Controller Brandon Wolfe and non-voting members appointed by the committee. The committee will focus on the establishment of uniform local government accounting practices and budget reporting to the State Controller’s Office.

The Study Committee on Expenditure of ARPA Funds is co-chaired by Senate President Pro Tem Chuck Winder (Ada County) and Speaker of the House Scott Bedke (Cassia and Minidoka Counties). Committee members include Senator Kelly Anthon, Senator Michelle Stennett, Senator Steve Bair, Senator Jeff Agenbroad, Senator Janie Ward-Engelking, Representative Mike Moyle, Representative Ilana Rubel, Representative Rick Youngblood, Representative Jason Monks, and Representative Megan Blanksma.

The Study Committee on Property Taxes and Revenue Expenditures is chaired by Senator Jim Rice (Canyon County) and Representative Jim Addis (Kootenai County). Study committee members include Senator Jim Guthrie, Senator Kelly Anthon, Senator Scott Grow, Senator Ali Rabe, Senator Jim Woodward (Ad Hoc), Representative Mike Moyle, Representative Jason Monks, Representative Rod Furniss, Representative Lauren Nicochea, Representative John Vander Woude (Ad Hoc), and Representative John Gannon (Ad Hoc). In discussing the scope of the study committee with the co-chairs, the primary focus will be on the assessment process for residential and commercial properties and impact fees. Other topics will likely come up.

Committees will hold organizational meetings beginning in August and will work through the fall with the goal of developing legislation for the 2022 Session. Couple this with redistricting and the fall is shaping up to be very busy for IAC and its members. As always, IAC staff will keep the membership informed and work to bring county officials to Boise as necessary.