Over three dozen County Assessors, deputies and appraisers from across the state met in Boise last week for the 2021 Idaho Association of County Assessors (IACA) annual Fall Meeting. Caribou County Assessor and current president of IACA Aaron Cook led discussions on a variety of topics. Topics included reports on valuation processes, the Interim Property …
Over the weekend Congress passed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA). The compromise bill provides needed funding for critical county infrastructure, including funding the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) program for an additional three years. Not only will SRS be funded for three more years but funding will be increased. Counties eligible for SRS …
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The Idaho Commission for Reapportionment unanimously approved a new legislative district map and approved a new congressional district map on a 4-2 vote. If upheld, the maps will determine legislative and congressional districts for the 2022 primary election. A detailed legislative district map can be accessed by clicking here. The congressional district map can be …
Over the last several years, the State of Idaho, 18 counties, and five cities have been involved in litigation against opioid manufacturers and distributors. The litigants recently announced a settlement agreement which will result in up to $120 million in funds being allocated to the state, counties, eligible cities, and public health districts. The total …
The IAC Legislative Committee met in downtown Boise on November 3 to discuss and determine policy priorities for the upcoming legislative session. The eight policies up for consideration were proposed by various IAC committees and were debated and voted on by the full membership at the IAC annual conference in September. The Legislative Committee was …
Continue reading “Property Tax Relief Determined to be Counties’ Policy Priority”
The IAC Executive Committee traveled to McCall in late October to discuss what’s on the horizon for IAC in 2022. The long-term strategy meeting was the first for Clearwater County Sheriff Chris Goetz and Ada County Coroner Dotti Owens in their new executive positions, IAC President and First Vice President, respectively. Immediate Past President Kathy …
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As a newly elected official, you know the importance of your work and the work of county leaders. You also know the stark reality of needing to do more with less and to maintain alignment of your resources, supporting county employees, and encouraging your community to hang tough in this time of uncertainty. There is …
It’s that time when county elected officials can choose to participate in IAC steering committees for the coming year. IAC members should have received an email with an invitation to sign up for up to two of the groups. Those currently serving on committees who would like to remain on theirs or select new ones …
Continue reading “Help Steer IAC Policies in the Right Direction: Join a Committee”
During IAC’s Annual Conference in September, the election and installation ceremony for the organization’s 2021-2022 board of directors took place. Kathy Ackerman, Idaho County Clerk, took her position as Immediate Past President while Chris Goetz, Clearwater County Sheriff, accepted his new role of IAC President. Ada County Coroner Dotti Owens was installed as the First …
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The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) recently organized for its Annual Conference where it held its yearly awards presentation. Due to the cancellation of the Annual Conference in 2020, the 2020 award recipients were honored at this year’s Annual Conference. The 2021 Mills-Adler and Syd Duncombe awards will be presented at the 2022 IAC Midwinter …
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