What to Watch: Week of January 18

Property tax budget caps and newly proposed PDC Rules are at the top of our list for what to keep an eye on this week. We anticipate property tax budget cap legislation to be introduced as early as this week in the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee. The committee meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 18, 2021

In the coming days (and the weeks that follow) the Legislature is set to introduce a series of property tax reform bills with the aim of further restricting local government property tax budget increases. When the dust settles, a bill will be introduced to cap annual property tax budget increases at around 4% (inclusive of …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 11, 2021

Monday marked the start of the 2021 Idaho Legislative Session. This Session will be remembered long into the future. As the Legislature convenes to advance legislation impacting counties, IAC will be your voice at the Capitol. Each week you will receive the IAC Legislative Bulletin in your inbox. The Bulletin includes featured articles about legislation …

What to Watch: Week of January 11, 2021

Generally, the first weeks of the session build slowly. Legislative committees begin the under the radar process of reviewing administrative rules, appropriators question state agencies on budget needs, legislators introduce personal bills that will never be heard in committee.  This year will look and feel differently.  Beginning this week, members of the House and Senate …

Leadership Changes in the Legislature

The Idaho Legislature held re-organization meetings in preparation for the 2021 legislative session. In the Senate, there were two contested races. Abby Lee and Lori Den Hartog ran for Assistant Majority Leader. Lee came out on top. Chuck Winder and Dan Johnson ran for Senate Pro Tempore, the top leadership office. Winder was the victor …

Update on Property Tax Study Committee

Last week, the IAC Legislative Committee met virtually to receive a property tax update.  The Property Taxes and Revenue Expenditures Study Committee met the week prior. The Study Committee discussed several pieces of draft legislation. These drafts focused on a variety of options from transparency and uniformity, removing the ability of cities and counties to …

Interim Committee on Property Tax to Meet This Friday

The Property Tax and Revenue Expenditure Study Committee is planning to meet this Friday, October 16 at 9 am MST. While previous meetings have focused on receiving information from a variety of stakeholders, the agenda for this Friday will focus on legislation drafts. We expect discussions on legislation focusing on transparency, truth in taxation, budget …

Property Tax Study Committee Update

The Idaho Legislature’s Property Tax and Revenue Expenditure Subcommittee met on September 18th in Boise to explore ways to reduce property taxes without shifting who pays property taxes. The Study Committee listened to presentations from the Farm Bureau, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, Idaho Freedom Foundation, Association of Idaho Cities, and IAC. Among the …

Idaho’s Truth in Taxation Experiment

Since the late 1970’s Idaho has experimented with various property tax budget caps, including truth in taxation. The Idaho Legislature established Idaho’s version of truth in taxation in 1993. The law was in place for two years before being replaced by the current 3% cap on annual property tax budget increases. Under Idaho’s version of …

Extraordinary Session in Every Sense of the Word

The Extraordinary Session called by Governor Little lived up to its name. It was unlike any session we have ever witnessed. The tenor from the beginning was strained. Protestors shouting from the fourth floor of the Capitol could be heard on the Garden Level. Some deputy clerks witnessed the mayhem that resulted in the shattering …