State and Local Transportation Funding At Risk

There are ongoing discussions in the Legislature about cutting $50 million from the Governor’s proposed budget for state and local highway maintenance. If advanced, it would result in a loss of $21 million in local road funding through the highway distribution account. IAC is concerned that this is the first step in further general fund …

IAC Legislative Committee Meeting Recap – February 26, 2025

The IAC Legislative Committee met in person on February 26th at IAC’s downtown policy office. Those who could not make the trip to Boise joined virtually.  The meeting started off with the approval of February 19th minutes, followed by an update on current IAC priorities. Committee members discussed several bills relating to public notices, consolidated …

Week 8: Idaho Legislative Session – The Final Stretch

State of Play We’re now about two-thirds of the way through the 2025 Idaho Legislative Session, and things are moving quickly. Bills are often advancing through committees and floor debates at a fast clip. The Idaho Association of Counties remains fully engaged, advocating for all five IAC legislative priorities alongside several policies. With crossover deadlines …

Week 7: Legislative Update

As the legislative session progresses, three IAC Priorities continue to move forward. Below are critical updates and action items for the upcoming week. House Bill 166 – Public Notices Passes the House  House Bill 166, which modernizes public notice requirements by allowing notices to be published on the state’s website, passed the House by a …

Idaho Association of Noxious Weed Control Superintendents Annual Meeting Recap

By: Chase Youngdahl, Bonner County Noxious Weed Superintendent & IANWCS Secretary The Idaho Association of Noxious Weed Control Superintendents (IANWCS) held its annual membership meeting in the Treasure Valley on January 27-28. Day one kicked off at the Canyon County Administration Building, where members heard presentations on a number of industry related topics including pollinator …

Week 4: 2025 Legislative Session Update

This week has been a whirlwind—in the best way possible! Thank you to everyone who came to Boise for the Midwinter Legislative Conference. There were so many highlights, but one that stands out is hosting nearly 200 county officials at the Capitol. It was a proud moment to walk the halls with so many county …

Week 2: 2025 Legislative Session Update

This week, most of the IAC Legislative Committee members met in person at the IAC Washington Office. The committee received a progress report on the IAC Priorities and Policies for the session and also discussed potential new legislation coming down the pipe, including increasing the fee for Idaho State Park Passports, a Kilowatt Hour Tax, …

2025 NCCAE Presidents and Executives Meeting Recap

Written by John David Davidson, IAC President and Blaine County Treasurer  It was an honor to represent the Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) at the National Council of County Association Executives (NCCAE) Presidents and Executives Meeting in Washington D.C. from January 8-10, 2025. The conference brought together county leaders from across the nation for a …

2025 IACRC Elections Conference Recap

The Idaho Secretary of State’s office and the Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks (IACRC) held their annual election training conference at the Riverside Hotel from January 8–10, 2025. This year’s event provided attendees with cutting-edge insights into election trends, technologies, and hands-on training with election software, offering valuable resources to enhance their expertise. …

2024 Fall IAC District Meeting Round-Up

All six IAC Districts met over the past couple of months, and IAC staff were lucky enough to be in attendance at each meeting. District 1 Collaborates with Legislators District 1 invited their legislators to a Local Legislators’ Luncheon. Chair Ben Allen (Shoshone County Prosecutor) welcomed the group and provided background information about IAC and …