Idaho Considers Assessment-Model Revamp to Lessen Residential Property Tax

Over the past two years, the Idaho Legislature has been struggling to determine how to alleviate the massive tax shift toward residential property owners. In 2021, the Legislature passed House Bill 389, a comprehensive property tax bill that further capped local government budgets, increased the homeowner’s exemption by $25,000 and adjusted property-tax relief programs such …

Legislative Council Establishes Summer Interim Committees

The Legislative Council met on Tuesday, July 13th to formalize interim committees. Due to the extended legislative session, interim committees will begin meeting later than in previous years. In total, the Legislative Council authorized seven interim committees and two study committees. IAC will monitor four of the committees: – Committee on Federalism – Committee on …

Redistricting Commission Appointments Complete

Every 10 years, Idaho legislative districts are required to readjust based on the latest census by a redistricting commission made up of three Republicans and three Democrats. The committee members are chosen by the Senate Pro Tem, Speaker of the House, Idaho Republican Party Chair, Senate Minority Leader, House Minority Leader and the Idaho Democrat …

2021 IAC Salary & Benefits Survey Now Available

The 2021 IAC Salary and Benefits Survey is now available for electronic download. IAC surveyed all 44 counties and a total of 43 counties participated in this year’s survey. The electronic survey is available in an excel spreadsheet so that our members can use the data how they see fit. If you find any errors, …

NACo Board of Directors Annual Business Meeting

On December 4th, 2020, the National Association of Counties (NACo) held its annual business meeting for the NACo Board of Directors.  The meeting was called to order by Honorable Gary Moore, President of NACo.  This meeting is usually held in the state and county of the current president but was held virtually this year due to …

Legislative Working Groups Recommend Special Legislative Session

It has been a busy few weeks for interim legislative committees and working groups. Joint Education, Judiciary and Rules, and State Affairs committees have met to explore the potential of a special legislative session. Among the topics covered include liability protections for both private businesses and governmental entities, the November general election, the jurisdiction of …

IACC Goes Virtual for 2020 Business Meeting

On Tuesday, July 28th, the Idaho Association of Commissioners and Clerks met together virtually for their 2020 business meeting. Members of the association representing almost half the counties were present. Kristin Cundiff, Sara Westbrook, Kelli Brassfield, and Mindy Linn from IAC were also in attendance. IACC President Lon Colton presided over the meeting. The IAC …

2020 IAC Scholarship Fund Recipients Announced

Idaho Association of Counties announces the 2020 recipients of the IAC Scholarship. Seven Idaho students have received a $1,000 scholarship from the Idaho Association of Counties. They are: Grace Shelton, a sophomore at Carroll College, is the recipient of the IAC Scholarship for District 1. Grace is the daughter of Christopher Shelton, an employee in …

State Revenues Fall Short of Forecast in Latest Idaho General Fund Revenue Report

On Friday the Division of Financial Management published its June Idaho General Fund Revenue Report. The June report is important because it reflects sales tax collections for the month of April and provides the first glimpse into the impact of COVID-19 on sales tax receipts. Sales tax revenues for the month of April came in …

Interim Property Tax Committee Appointed

On Friday, June 5th the Legislative Council met for the first time since the end of the 2020 legislative session. During this meeting, the Legislative Council, made up of members of House and Senate leadership and members of the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee determined the number of members and membership from each legislative body for …