Governor’s State of the State Address: Highlighting County Issues

Yesterday, Governor Brad Little delivered the State of the State address in a new format—virtually. The speech was short in comparison to years past without the usual breaks for legislative applause. It clocked-in around 30 minutes long. With a theme of “Building Idaho’s Future,” he touched on several topics that will be of interest to …

Congratulations to Idaho’s Graduates from the NACo Leadership Academy

Nine Idaho county staff and elected officials participated in the NACo Leadership Academy, a 12-week online program that empowers front-long county government employees with fundamental leadership skills. Across the country, over 2,800 county employees have participated in NACo’s Leadership Academy. Idaho county staff and elected officials to complete the Academy are: Shelly Blackner, Butte County …

Leadership Changes in the Legislature

The Idaho Legislature held re-organization meetings in preparation for the 2021 legislative session. In the Senate, there were two contested races. Abby Lee and Lori Den Hartog ran for Assistant Majority Leader. Lee came out on top. Chuck Winder and Dan Johnson ran for Senate Pro Tempore, the top leadership office. Winder was the victor …

Avenues for Hope Housing Challenge Begins Thursday

The 10th Annual Avenues for Hope Housing Challenge begins Thursday, Dec. 10. This fundraiser assists 80 nonprofits that manage the day-to-day work of connecting Idahoans to safe, stable, and affordable housing.  These critical nonprofits need your help now more than ever. Through Dec. 31, donors can direct their tax-deductible gifts to one or more nonprofit …

Local and State Election Analysis

While most of America was glued to national elections news this past week, IAC has been tracking local and state election results in the Gem State. Both at the county and state level, turnover will be less than usual come January. At the county level, there will be 20 new county commissioners in 17 counties. …

Idaho Legislature Grants Limited Coronavirus Liability to Counties

During the recently completed special session, the Idaho Legislature adopted temporary legislation extending immunity to businesses, churches, cities, counties, and schools from claims associated with the transmission of coronavirus. The immunity is temporary because it sunsets (expires) on July 1, 2021. Over the course of two days, five different immunity bills were introduced. While each …

Fugitive Dust Emissions

By Tiffany Floyd, Air Quality Division Administrator, Idaho DEQ Over the past several months, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has seen an increase in public concern regarding fugitive dust emissions.  Fugitive dust emissions are regulated under the “Rules for Control of Air Pollution in Idaho” (IDAPA 58.01.01).  These dust emissions are particulate matter …

State of Idaho Updates FY2021 Revenue Outlook

This past week during IAC’s biweekly conference call with Governor Little, Alex Adams, Director of the Division of Financial Management, announced that the state of Idaho was revising its revenue forecast for the current fiscal year. Unemployment is currently hovering around 5.6% and consumer spending has rebounded since April lows. Given these important indicators, the …

Legislative Working Groups Recommend Special Legislative Session

It has been a busy few weeks for interim legislative committees and working groups. Joint Education, Judiciary and Rules, and State Affairs committees have met to explore the potential of a special legislative session. Among the topics covered include liability protections for both private businesses and governmental entities, the November general election, the jurisdiction of …

CARES Act CRF Update

Last week county officials participated in two separate conference calls with staff from the Governor’s Office to discuss questions related to implementation of the Governor’s proposal to leverage Coronavirus Relief Funds to cover payroll expenses for public safety and public health personnel (known as the Idaho Local Public Safety Initiative). Due to questions raised by IAC …