What to Watch: Week of February 22

Keep an eye on House Bill 149 which extends the sunset date on the Coronavirus Limited Immunity Act that was passed in the 2020 Special Session. The sunset date would be changed from July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022. This bill was introduced early last week and will likely receive a full hearing later …

From the Executive Director: Week of February 22

This past week was a busy one at the Capitol, especially for counties. In addition to Senate Bill 1108 clearing the Senate State Affairs Committee on a 6-3 vote (with Senators Lakey, Nye, and Rabe voting no), two other bills were introduced which would impact county budgets. The House Revenue and Taxation Committee introduced House …

What to Watch: Week of February 15

Property Tax Chairman Rice introduced Senate Bill 1108 late last week in the Senate Local Government and tax. This is the latest bill to address property taxes. This bill will be heard in committee on Thursday, February 18th.  The framework for this bill provides much more flexibility for local governments than the 4% cap in …

From the Executive Director: Week of February 15

The Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee will hear Senate Bill 1108 on Thursday at 3:00 pm MST. The IAC Legislative Committee has been reviewing the bill and will take a position tomorrow. Senate Bill 1108 is much better than Senate Bill 1021 or 1048, but there will still be a fiscal impact on local …

From the Executive Director: Week of February 8

Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen three bills introduced related to property taxes and local government budgets: Senate Bills 1021 and 1048 and House Bill 73. We’re likely to see new bills introduced over the next two weeks. I want to express my appreciation for your attentiveness in reviewing the proposals, letting IAC know …

What to Watch: Week of February 1

IAC expects at least two bills from the Property Taxes and Revenue Expenditures Study Committee to be introduced this week. One bill seeks to establish a uniform local government accounting and financial reporting manual which will be overseen by a legislative oversight committee and administered by the State Controller’s Office. The proposal will also establish …

From the Executive Director: Week of February 1

By now most of you are aware of Senate Bill 1021 that would impose additional caps on annual local government property tax budget increases. Depending on the level of growth measured by new construction, a county would be able to increase its annual property tax budget by between 3-4%. The new budget caps could be …

What to Watch: Week of January 18

Property tax budget caps and newly proposed PDC Rules are at the top of our list for what to keep an eye on this week. We anticipate property tax budget cap legislation to be introduced as early as this week in the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee. The committee meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 18, 2021

In the coming days (and the weeks that follow) the Legislature is set to introduce a series of property tax reform bills with the aim of further restricting local government property tax budget increases. When the dust settles, a bill will be introduced to cap annual property tax budget increases at around 4% (inclusive of …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 11, 2021

Monday marked the start of the 2021 Idaho Legislative Session. This Session will be remembered long into the future. As the Legislature convenes to advance legislation impacting counties, IAC will be your voice at the Capitol. Each week you will receive the IAC Legislative Bulletin in your inbox. The Bulletin includes featured articles about legislation …