Candidates for 2024-2025 IAC Board of Directors

4 Sep 2024, by Gracee Gorrell Share :

According to the IAC Bylaws and the rotation schedule for elections, an assessor is eligible to run as the IAC 2nd Vice President for the upcoming year (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025).

Each candidate completed an application so they could share a little about themselves and why they are interested in the position. Candidates will also have a few minutes to speak at our IAC Annual Business meeting in September and voting will take place during the conference.


Candidate for 2nd Vice President

Summarize your background and how it relates to the position you are seeking.

I started in the Lemhi County Assessor’s office in October of 1983. I started in MV, learned how to do appraisal data entry and
mapping with pen and miler. I was very interested and loved all aspects of the office. I took a break from 1989 to 1995 and was able
to come back to the office in February 1996 and I have been here ever since. I learned as much as I could and became very ingrained
in the office. I took on the mapping position and became certified in 2002. I had the opportunity to run for Assessor in the 2010
Election. I was sworn in, in January of 2011. I knew that IACA and IAC was where I would learn, grow and find answers to my
questions. I have been dedicated to both associations. I believe my years with Lemhi County, the positions I have served in my
office, IACA, and IAC, I am ready for the challenge and rewards of serving on the IAC Board and representing Idaho at the National
Level in the position of 2nd Vice President of IAC. I believe I can be a valuable member of the board. I like to learn, grow and find
leadership rolls both rewarding and inspirational.

List participation and years of participation on any IAC Committees, the IAC Board of Directors, and any leadership positions within your affiliate organization.

I am currently serving on Intergovernmental Affairs and have served on this committee for 8 years and Public Lands committee for the
last 2 years. I have been the chair of mapping (2 years), education (2 years), nominating committee (1) year, software and technical support (4
years), and IAC representative for IACA (6 months). I went through the chairs for the Idaho Assessor’s Association and was lucky
enough to serve as President two years in a row and last year received the Mills Adler award.

Briefly state your reasons for seeking the position and any other qualifications that might be an asset to IAC.

Serving on the IAC board has been a goal of mine for several years. I look forward to working side by side, and expanding my
knowledge, with the Elected Officials and IAC staff on the Board. It is very important to me to represent Idaho Association of
Counties at the National level and to help our associations stay connected, both at the State, and National levels. I am dedicated,
reliable, and excited to learn and grow from this opportunity. I would be most honored to represent the Assessors of Idaho.

List IAC/NACo/WIR events/conferences/meetings

I have attended all IAC conferences the last four years. I have participated in the COI program and will graduate in September. I have
attended all Spring and Fall County Officials Institute trainings the past four years. I have attended Associated Taxpayers Conference in 2021
and 2022 and plan on attending this year. Being from a small county with limited funds and resources does not allow for me to travel
for NACo and WIR. I am serving on the Public Lands Steering Committee as a member for NACo and have for the last 3 years. I
have been attending IAC District 6 meetings the past 2 years.

NACo Representative Candidate

Summarize your background and how it relates to the position you are seeking.

I am a long time employee of Idaho County with more than 37 years of public service under my belt. My ten years work experience in
District Court prepared me well for a position as Civil Deputy with the Sheriff’s Office. That position afforded me the opportunity to
pursue teaching for Idaho POST, where I taught Instructor Development and achieved the level of Master Instructor. The retirement of
Rose Gehring in 2010 opened the door for me to pursue a new level of service as the Idaho County Clerk, a position I have held since
that time. I am a “sit in the front of the class” type of person. I enjoy being engaged and active. I like working with others to get things done.
IAC has provided numerous opportunities for me to grow in knowledge and experience, to meet people and form valuable friendships,
and to utilize my talents in a broader arena.

List participation and years of participation on any IAC Committees, the IAC Board of Directors, and any leadership positions within your affiliate organization.

2012-2013-IAC District II Secretary/Treasurer
2013-2014-IAC District II President
2014-2016-IAC District II Secretary/Treasurer
2014-2015-IACC Secretary/Treasurer
2015-2016-IACC Vice President
2016-2017-IACC President
2017-2018-IACC Immediate Past President
2013-Current IAC Board of Directors Representing IACRC & IACC as Immediate Past President
2014-Current IAC Ethics Committee Chair
2018-IAC 2nd Vice President
2019-IAC Vice President
2020-IAC President
2021-IAC Immediate Past President
2022-2024-NACo Board of Directors Representative

Briefly state your reasons for seeking the position and any other qualifications that might be an asset to IAC.

As the current NACo Board Representative, I have had the opportunity to participate in a number of meetings and discussion groups.
This participation has allowed me to learn much about issues that don’t impact rural counties, allowing me to gain perspective and
insight. It has also allowed me to share some of the unique challenges that rural counties face such as public lands and lack of
resources/providers to support medical/mental health needs of citizens. I think I have been able to effectively represent Idaho in a
way that has garnered respect and admiration for IAC and the many ways it provides education and support for Idaho’s elected
officials. Similarly, I have worked hard to convey the many benefits of NACo to the IAC membership through recaps of all of the
meetings/conferences I have attended, as well as through the sharing of programs and services NACo shares with counties. I would
be honored to hold this position for another two years.

List IAC/NACo/WIR events/conferences/meetings

With COVID, we didn’t have an Annual Conference in 2020–so I was sworn in as IAC President via Zoom! Unique! I have attended
every IAC meeting, every Board Meeting, and every IACRC and IACC conference with the exception of last year when I had conflicts
with family matters. I have attended every NACo Annual Conference and Legislative Conference since 2020, as well as every Board
Meeting for the past three years. I have attended WIR twice.

WIR Representative Candidate

Summarize your background and how it relates to the position you are seeking.

I represent the largest land mass County in Idaho. The County with the most Federal lands and most Wilderness. I have served as
City Councilman, City Mayor, State Senator (three terms), and County Commissioner.

List participation and years of participation on any IAC Committees, the IAC Board of Directors, and any leadership positions within your affiliate organization.

I have been a member of the IAC Public Lands and Transportation Committees for past 17 years.

Briefly state your reasons for seeking the position and any other qualifications that might be an asset to IAC.

Having strong, knowledgeable, and effective leaders is so important. My years as an elected City, State, or County office has given
my a lot of personal knowledge and connections. IAC’s influence in WIR/ NACo is so crucial to getting our message out there, with
regards to Idaho’s public lands, etc.

List IAC/NACo/WIR events/conferences/meetings

I take my position as Idaho’s WIR representative seriously and attend all in person conferences, zoom meetings, and phone calls. I
have also testified before Congress or Congressional Committees three times sense I have been elected as the WIR representative.