Board of Canvassers Certify Idaho Primary Election Results

5 Jun 2024, by Jessica Roth Share :

The Idaho Association of Commissioners and Clerks (IACC) met in Idaho Falls this week for their Annual Conference. During the event, Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane, Idaho State Controller Brandon Woolf, and Idaho State Treasurer Julie Ellsworth met with county clerks to canvass election results for the 2024 Idaho Primary Election.

The purpose of the canvass is to officially account for every ballot cast to ensure that every vote is counted correctly. Idaho counties that participated in the post-election audit were presented with a plaque by the State of Idaho Board of Canvassers.

“I am grateful for the participation of county clerks from across the state, whose hard work and dedication have made this election a success,” said Secretary Phil McGrane.

Valley County Clerk Doug Miller, Madison County Clerk Kim Muir, Bannock County Clerk Jason Dixon, and Fremont County Clerk Abbie Mace were present at the meeting to accept their recognition and pose for a photo op with the Board. (Pictured below from left to right.)

Canyon, Payette, Boundary, and Cassia counties also participated in the audit but were not present to accept their plaques.

Doug Miller is also the president of the Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks (IACRC) and Jason Dixon is the vice president.