Idaho County Clerk Travels to Illinois for Fall NACo Board Meeting

By Kathy Ackerman, Idaho County Clerk The Fall National Association of Counties (NACo) Board Meeting and Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC) Symposium was held just outside of Chicago from December 1-3. Since there are no counties in Idaho large enough to be included in LUCC, it is important for Idaho to be represented on the …

Idaho Counties Glow Green for Veterans Day 2022

In observance of Veterans Day, the National Association of Counties launched their Operation Green Light for Veterans campaign. Counties across the country participated in the week-long event by lighting their buildings, offices, trees, and street lights green to honor veterans. Many of Idaho’s counties were proud to show their support for veterans and eagerly participated.  …

IAC Honors Award Recipients at 2022 Annual Conference

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) hosted its 2022 Annual Conference in Downtown Boise this September. One of the many highlights of the event was the awards presentation to honor distinguished county elected officials. The Mills-Adler Award is given to officials from various affiliate associations for their dedication and significant contributions to their counties. The …

IAC’s 2022 Annual Conference Recap

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) hosted its 2022 Annual Conference at the Boise Centre from September 26 to September 28. County elected officials and county staff from all parts of Idaho gathered in Downtown Boise to participate in the three-day conference. The event featured interactive workshops with presentations from subject-matter experts on topics impacting …

2022-2023 IAC Executive Board Members Sworn in at Annual Conference

IAC held its installation ceremony for the organization’s 2022-2023 board of directors at the IAC Annual Conference this September in downtown Boise. Chris Goetz, Clearwater County Sheriff, took his position as Immediate Past President, while Dotti Owens, Ada County Coroner, accepted her new role of IAC President. Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney Vic Pearson was installed …

Idaho Association of County Assessors Holds 2022 Annual Conference

The Idaho Association of County Assessors (IACA) met in Twin Falls, Idaho at the Canyon Crest Event Center August 22nd through the 25th for its 2022 Annual Conference. The event featured presenters and updates from the State Tax Commission, the Idaho Transportation Department, Urban Renewal, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and ICRMP. IAC staff also …

Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks Holds 2022 Annual Conference

The Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks (IACRC) met in Sandpoint, Idaho at the Schweitzer Mountain Resort August 15th through 18th for its 2022 Annual Conference. Idaho’s county clerks gathered from all 44 counties to participate in the event, which featured committee meetings on elections, budget, nominating, education, and recording. There were workshops on …

Idaho Association of County Treasurers Holds 97th Annual Conference in Bonners Ferry

This week, the Idaho Association of County Treasurers (IACT) met in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, for the 97th Annual Treasurer’s Conference. IACT is a non-profit, non-partisan organization comprised of 44 county elected treasurers. The conference attracted county treasurers from around the state for this multi-day event that included education sessions and workshops, the IACT business meeting, …