2024 IAC Annual Conference Recap

2 Oct 2024, by Jessica Roth Share :

By Jessica Roth and Gracee Gorrell, IAC communications team

The 2024 Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) Annual Conference was held at the Boise Centre from September 23-25, bringing together roughly 250 attendees and over 50 sponsors and exhibitors from around the country for presentations by engaging keynote speakers, discussions on county recommended legislative resolutions, professional development opportunities, and ample networking, including exclusive invite-only social events.

The conference kicked off early Monday morning with the IAC Board Meeting, followed by the Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) Committee Meeting and a presentation from Secretary of State Phil McGrane, who shared voter demographics for Idaho’s registered voters and the party affiliations of those moving to the state. Concurrently, workshops were being offered that focused on digital skills training and embracing modern work environments from the University of Idaho Extension Digital Economy Program and best practices for preserving agricultural land from members of Owyhee and Payette Counties.

All conference attendees came together for the GemPlan Lunch and opening general session. Bingham County Commissioner Mark Bair spoke to the membership about GemPlan and the benefits of the county managed, self-funded healthcare plan while lunch was being served. Governor Brad Little arrived soon after and addressed the conference goers, sharing updates on his office’s initiatives and priorities and allowed time for questions.

“I always appreciate Governor Little making time to join IAC’s conferences and his willingness to take our hard questions and answer them honestly and straightforwardly,” said Vic Pearson, IAC President and Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney. “His openness sets a strong foundation for counties’ relationships with him and his office.” 

The afternoon brought a networking event with exhibitors, where attendees were encouraged to make their way to the nearly 50 exhibit tables to learn more about each company and how their services could help Idaho counties.

“This is the most exhibitors we’ve ever had at this conference, and since tables sold out early, we had enough time to add bonus tables in the lobby, which also sold out,” said Jessica Roth, IAC communications and marketing manager. “The high demand for exhibit space at IAC’s event demonstrates the value of connecting with Idaho’s county members in person and the importance of registering early to exhibit or sponsor if you hope to get your company in front of county decision makers.”

Following the networking break was the Public Lands Committee Meeting and concurrent workshops focused on cyber incident response and preparedness by the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program (ICRMP), public speaking by Red Sky, and resources from SIF, Idaho Workers Compensation, helping counties save money on their insurance premiums.

Monday evening brought the highly anticipated Welcome Reception, featuring live music from local artist Soul Serene, pub fare and beverages, networking, and the third annual IAC Scholarship Fund Cornhole Tournament to raise money for Idaho’s students. IAC President Vic Pearson and his teammate Matt Brassfield won the championship, successfully defending their title for the second consecutive year. In addition to the tournament, a silent auction for a cornhole board set and a raffle were held, raising a total of $3,445 for the IAC Scholarship Fund.

“As always, Idaho’s county folks stepped up and we were able to raise a lot of money for deserving recipients of the IAC Scholarship,” said reigning Cornhole Champion Pearson.

Attendees were greeted on Tuesday morning by bagels, pastries, fresh fruit and coffee with the exhibitors before heading into the Justice & Public Safety Committee meeting or concurrent workshops, including presentations by Syringa Networks on maximizing technology with a tight budget, compassion fatigue and self-care by the Butte County Clerk’s Office, and what to know about employment claims by ICRMP.

The morning kicked into high gear with award-winning keynote speaker Janine Driver, whose presentation “You Say More Than You Think” seamlessly blended humor with practical insight, leaning on experience gleaned from her 16-years-long career deciphering human behavior as a federal law enforcement officer. Driver left a lasting impression with her engaging delivery and keen ability to analyze body language, and the audience left with applicable skills to interpret nonverbal communication, empowering Idaho’s county members with the tools they need to enhance their leadership and public service. 

After the keynote, attendees participated in concurrent workshops, followed by the ICRMP Lunch, during which Executive Director Tim Osborne gave a presentation on the upcoming insurance policy renewals and the factors impacting them.

The afternoon included a Legislative Committee meeting, a networking break with exhibitors sponsored by IAC Associate Partner Idaho First Bank, and exhibitor door prize drawings. Attendees who completed their exhibitor passport were entered into a drawing to win prizes from the conference exhibitors. As exhibitors packed up, the general session began, featuring the Office of Performance Evaluation County Studies and Outcomes (OPE). The IAC Business Meeting and the presentation of legislative resolutions followed, conducted by IAC’s Legislative Committee Chair Don Hall. Each chair reported on resolutions from their respective committees.

After concluding the day’s business and workshops, conference goers let loose late into the evening with the inaugural IAC Annual Showcase at the House of Western in Downtown Boise. The invite-only member appreciation event provided a fun and intimate atmosphere for socializing that featured craft cocktails, happy hour dishes, and arcade games like four-person air hockey and skee-ball. This exclusive event was created to show gratitude towards IAC’s members and top-tier Corporate Partners and was a highlight of the conference.

“High-tier members of IAC’s Corporate Partner Program make a tremendous impact on our association, our events, and what we can accomplish for Idaho’s counties, so we wanted to make sure they’re recognized for that,” said Roth. “Invite-only networking events, complimentary exhibit tables, and priority sponsor and exhibitor registration are just some of the many membership benefits our Corporate Partners enjoy.” 

The final day of IAC Annual was one of the most important and anticipated, as IAC’s membership discussed resolutions and voted on the legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session during the Business Meeting. New leadership was also sworn in during the Installation Ceremony by Idaho County Clerk Kathy Ackerman. John David Davison, Blaine County Treasurer, was installed as IAC President, Jenny Rosin, Lemhi County Assessor, was installed as 1st Vice President, Kristina Glascock, Twin Falls County Clerk, was installed as 2nd Vice President, and Vic Pearson, Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney, became the Immediate Past President.

“It has been a privilege to serve IAC as its president for the last two years, and I look forward to working with IAC’s outstanding executive officers and continuing to support IAC’s mission in my new role,” said Pearson.

The conference finale was the Awards Banquet, where county elected officials from each affiliate organization were honored and recognized for their significant contributions to their counties and to IAC. The first award presented was the Mills-Adler Award, named in honor of two distinguished county elected officials: the late Darwin Mills, Lincoln County Sheriff, and the late Betty Adler, Payette County Treasurer.

The 2024 Mills-Adler Award recipients were:

Brian Stender, Canyon County Assessor

Kathy Ackerman, Idaho County Clerk

Denis Duman, Idaho County Commissioner

Pam Garlock, Boise County Coroner

Kirk MacGregor, Idaho County Prosecuting Attorney

Bart Heslington, Bear Lake County Sheriff, and

Annette Dygert, Owyhee County Treasurer

As she graciously approached the podium to accept her award, Dygert joked, “I’d like to thank my boyfriend and my husband,” which was met with uproarious laughter from attendees.

Following the Mills-Adler Awards was the presentation of the H. Sydney Duncombe Award, IAC’s highest honor, given to an individual each year who has greatly contributed to the development and education of county government in Idaho. This award, created in 1988, honors the late Dr. H. Sydney Duncombe, who trained many county elected officials in their roles and responsibilities.

The 2024 recipient of the H. Sydney Duncombe Award for Excellence in County Government was Doug Zenner, Nez Perce County Commissioner.

When announcing the award, Pearson shared some of Doug’s many accomplishments during his tenure as a county commissioner since 2005 and highlighted his significant involvement in various IAC committees over the years, “Doug Zenner has held many key leadership roles, including chairing various committees such as the Transportation Committee and the Capital Crimes Defense Fund. His advocacy for bridge replacement funding secured $600 million for local governments in Idaho. His positive demeanor and direct approach make him an effective advocate for legislative priorities, earning recognition from Governor Little.”

“This award isn’t just for me – this is for all of you and the important work you accomplish for your counties,” said Zenner, as he held his plaque up high with glistening eyes peering just above it.

The IAC County Officials Institute (COI) graduates were also recognized for completing the two-year training program. COI provides the skills and knowledge county elected officials need to be effective leaders in local government. The trainings are open to county officials and staff and are held in multiple locations across the state in the fall and spring.

This year’s graduates were Bill Lewis, Oneida County Commissioner; Don Beck, Nez Perce County Commissioner; Donavan Harrington, Bingham County Assessor; Jenny Rosin, Lemhi County Assessor; John David Davison, Blaine County Treasurer; Kammy McFarland, Lemhi County Treasurer; Lon Colton, Oneida County Clerk; and Missy McLaughlin, Nez Perce County Treasurer.

“First and foremost, I would like to thank Seth Grigg, IAC executive director, and his amazing team for a fantastic Annual Conference! The Annual Conference set a record for number of participants, and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all,” said Pearson. “Be sure to save the date for IAC’s premier event, the 2025 Midwinter Legislative Conference, which boasts the largest gathering of Idaho’s county commissioners in the state. The event will be held at the Boise Centre from January 27-30.”

To see the full photo album from the conference and download pictures for free, visit IAC’s Flickr page.