2024 – Kamrie Colungo, a senior at Pocatello High School and granddaughter of Diane Cavio, who works for the Bannock County District Court’s Office

2023 – Mia Butikofer, a senior at Sugar Salem High School and daughter of Madison County Coroner Sam Butikofer

2022 – Derek Christensen, a freshman at University of Utah and son of Cherie Carter, who works in the Franklin County Extension office

2024 IAC Scholarship Recipients

District 1
Eloise Shelton, Bonner County

District 2
Gretchen Stokes, Latah County

District 3
Rhianna Iveson, Adams County

District 4
Makaya Boyer, Gooding County

District 5
Kamrie Colungo, Bannock County

District 6
Kaleigh Squires, Jefferson County

Bob Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship

Emma Downey, Bonneville County

Seven scholarships are awarded each year; one per IAC District and an additional Bob Mackenzie Memorial Scholarship.

Program Details

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) Scholarship Fund was created in 1996 and named the Charles Nickel Scholarship Fund in 1997.  This scholarship was created to assist children of county employees and children and grandchildren of county elected officials with the increasing cost of college tuition.


Children of county employees (county employees are those who are issued a paycheck by the county) working 20 hours or more per week and the children and grandchildren of county elected officials (assessors, clerks, commissioners, coroners, prosecuting attorneys, sheriffs, and treasurers).

Recipients must attend a college, university or vocational/technical school full-time for the 2025-2026 academic year and be enrolled in either an academic or a vocational education program leading towards a degree or certification.

Application & Deadline

The application period is now closed, all applications completed and post-marked by February 27th are currently being considered. Winners will be announced in April.


Please call or email Gracee Gorrell at ggorrell@idcounties.org or (208) 345-1618.