Idaho Association of County Treasurers Holds 99th Annual Conference

14 Aug 2024, by Gracee Gorrell Share :

By Dawn Erlewine, Clearwater County Treasurer 

The Idaho Association of County Treasurers (IACT) met for their Annual Conference in Pocatello, Idaho, August 5-8, 2024. The 99th conference was hosted by county treasurers in District 5, including Jennifer Clark of Bannock County, Tricia Poulsen of Bear Lake County, Tanna Beal of Bingham County, Angie Mendenhall of Caribou County, Janet Kimpton of Franklin County, Leigh Anne Love of Oneida County, and Deanna Curry of Power County. District 5 was a gracious host, and the conference was enjoyed by the many attendees, including county treasurers and their chief deputies, workshop presenters, vendors, and guests alike.  

Members from the Idaho Association of Counties (IAC), the Idaho State Tax Commission (STC), the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program (ICRMP), and the Idaho State Treasurer’s Office were also present.

Education topics included “LUMA” presented by the State Controller’s Office, “How to Deescalate a Situation” presented by the Bingham County Sheriff’s Office, “Bankruptcy” by Kathleen McCallister, Standing Chapter 13 Trustee for the District of Idaho, “Ethics” by Stephanie Witt from Boise State University, “Treasurer Talk” by Clearwater County Treasurer Dawn Erlewine, “Tax Deed” by Elmore County Treasurer Amber Sloan, “Protecting Public Funds” by Treasurers’ Education Committee, and “Working through Life” by Retired U.S. Bank Representative Jill Dunn.

Education awards were also presented during the conference, including this year’s Mills-Adler award recipient, Annette Dygert of Owyhee County. The Mills-Adler award is bestowed each year to county elected officials who have made significant positive impacts in their counties. Annette was acknowledged for her exceptional performance chairing the IAC Legislative Committee and representing the IACT in Boise and throughout the legislative session. Annette was also recognized for her contributions as Chair of the Conference Affiliate Committee and for her active membership in her community.

Also during the conference, it was announced that after 47 years of dedicated public service, Canyon County Treasurer Tracie Lloyd will be retiring on August 30th. Tracie has been a county treasurer since 1997, has been a recipient of the Mills-Adler award, and has served two terms of presidency on the IACT Executive Board due to interference from the COVID-19 pandemic. Tracie has made too many positive contributions during her decades-long career in county government to list, but it is undeniable that she has made a lasting impact and will be greatly missed. IACT members will be forever grateful for her service and leadership and wish her nothing but happiness on her next adventure. Tracie’s retirement celebration will be held on Friday, August 30th from 2 – 4 p.m. MT in the Canyon County Administration Building’s Public Meeting Room located at 111 N. 11th Ave., in Caldwell, Idaho. All are welcome to attend.

And finally, new Executive Officers were installed during the annual meeting.

The 2024-2025 IACT Executive Officers are:

– Kammy McFarland, Lemhi County – IACT President

– Annette Dygert, Owyhee County  – IACT Vice President

– Sabrina Young, Washington County – IACT Secretary

– Lana Schwartz, Clark County – IACT Treasurer

– Kristine Lund, Jefferson County – IACT Parliamentarian

– Dawn Erlewine, Clearwater County – IACT Historian

– Tevian Kober, Jerome County – IACT Past President

To view the full photo album for this conference, check out our Flickr Page.