IAC Members Set Legislative Policy Priorities

At the IAC Annual Conference, the IAC membership debated important policy matters related to county governance. This year, the membership considered eight member-initiated legislative proposals. IAC steering committees advanced seven of the eight resolutions to the full membership for consideration. After robust debate, the membership adopted the seven legislative resolutions. The adopted resolutions are: IGA-01: …

The Property Taxes & Revenue Expenditures Study Committee Holds First Interim Meeting

The Property Taxes and Revenue Expenditures Study Committee held its first interim meeting on Friday, August 27, in Boise. Information about the interim committee including committee members, agenda topics and materials (coming soon) can be found here. The interim committee listened to an update from the State Controller’s Office regarding the implementation of House Bill …

Redrawing of Idaho’s Legislative Districts Set to Begin

Idaho’s Citizen Commission for Reapportionment has been officially organized by Secretary of State Lawerence Denney. The Commission is an independent, bipartisan committee formed every 10 years to redraw Idaho’s congressional and legislative district boundaries. The Committee is composed of three democrats and three republicans with the sign off of at least four commissioners necessary for …

Legislative Council Establishes Summer Interim Committees

The Legislative Council met on Tuesday, July 13th to formalize interim committees. Due to the extended legislative session, interim committees will begin meeting later than in previous years. In total, the Legislative Council authorized seven interim committees and two study committees. IAC will monitor four of the committees: – Committee on Federalism – Committee on …

Redistricting Commission Appointments Complete

Every 10 years, Idaho legislative districts are required to readjust based on the latest census by a redistricting commission made up of three Republicans and three Democrats. The committee members are chosen by the Senate Pro Tem, Speaker of the House, Idaho Republican Party Chair, Senate Minority Leader, House Minority Leader and the Idaho Democrat …