Mission Statement
In recognizing the importance of public confidence and trust in government, as well as the ethical challenges faced by government officials, the IAC Ethics Advisory Committee will work to implement educational opportunities for Elected Officials at all IAC sponsored meetings and conferences. By providing discussion points and/or short ‘Ethics Exercises’ aimed at addressing typical ethical traps and current trends in ethical violations, the Ethics Committee will carry out on-going education for IAC members. The Ethics Committee will work to provide written materials to IAC members in order to facilitate possible policy changes that pertain to areas of ethical conduct.
- Office of the Attorney General’s Ethics in Government Handbook
- Elected Official’s Code of Ethics
- Public Employee’s Code of Ethics
- NACo County Code of Ethics
Ethics Presentations
- Ethics, Decision Making, and Career Survival
- Ethics Hypotheticals
- Why Don’t You Act My Age? Ethics and Generations
- Ethics in Public Service
Ethics Mini-Exercises
Please use the following IAC Ethics Mini-Exercises with your staff, your affiliate organization, or your district. If you have any mini-exercises you’d like to add to our list, please email them to Kristin Cundiff.