The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) established a $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to provide funding to state, local, and tribal governments for expenditures incurred due to public health emergency caused by COVID-19. Idaho’s share of the CRF is $1.25 billion. Governor Little has established the COVID-19 Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC) and charged it with overseeing the disbursement of federal funds to ensure they are prioritized and distributed across state, local, and tribal governments. The funds will be allocated 55% to state agencies and 45% to counties, cities, ambulance districts, fire districts, and tribal governments. The CFAC is comprised of 14 members, including IAC Executive Director Seth Grigg.
Counties are eligible for funding for unanticipated COVID-19 related expenditures that:
Counties are precluded from using funds from the CRF to fill in revenue gaps created as a result of reduced county revenues (decreased revenue sharing, decreased highway user funds, delinquent property taxes, etc.). Coronavirus Relief Funds may also not be available to be used to reimburse a county for funds previously budgeted purposes, even if related to COIVID-19. More guidelines regarding how Coronavirus Relief Funds will be forthcoming. In the meantime, it is critical for counties to document and retain receipts for all expenses that can be reasonably tied to your county’s response to COVID-19, including overtime paid to first responders, the expansion or procurement of additional first responder services, coroner related expenses, etc. For more information regarding the CRF and reimbursable expenses, please contact IAC Executive Director Seth Grigg.