From the Executive Director: Week of February 7

Thanks to everyone who attended our IAC Midwinter Legislative Conference last week. We had great dialogue with Governor Little and legislators. It’s an annual highlight for me and I’m sure you all feel the same. At the conference, we spent considerable time in IAC committees and general sessions immersed in conversations about two important issues: …

What to Watch: Week of February 7

Idaho Legislature Full Steam Ahead The 2022 Legislative Session started out slowly, but the pace is quickening rapidly. This week, we encourage IAC members to watch the House and Senate Committee hearings, keeping an eye out for legislation affecting counties. Some of the legislation being heard includes IAC sponsored legislation. For example, yesterday, House Bill …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 31

Welcome to Boise for the annual IAC Midwinter Legislative Conference. I’m excited to see everyone as we roll up our sleeves and work with the Legislature on issues important to counties. As you meet with your legislators, I want to make sure you are up to speed with where things stand with ongoing discussions on …

What to Watch For: Jan. 31 – Feb. 4

Proposed Changes to Circuit Breaker Eligibility Last year, House Bill 389 changed the Property Tax Relief (PTR) eligibility requirements by adding restrictions that disallow residents from qualifying if their homes are valued over 125% of the median residential property value of the county. With this change, many previous qualifiers are no longer eligible. House Bill …

What to Watch For: January 24-28

Governor’s Transportation Budget to Be Heard Soon The Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee will likely hold hearings on Governor Little’s transportation budget either the first or second week of February. This means transportation funding will likely be top of mind during our Midwinter Legislative Conference. Governor Little is championing historic investments in transportation without raising …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 24

IAC Midwinter Legislative Conference: Virtual Attendance Option Now Available In one week, county elected officials from around the state will gather in Boise for the IAC Midwinter Legislative Conference. This will be our first Midwinter Legislative Conference since the start of COVID and we look forward to seeing everyone in Boise. While we are excited …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 17

Tax Relief Takes Center Stage Six months into the current state fiscal year the state budget surplus stands at $1.9 billion. Let me repeat that: the state budget surplus is $1.9 billion and counting. With such a large budget surplus, all eyes are on what to do with it. The Governor has laid out his …

From the Executive Director: Week of January 10

All Eyes on Budget Surplus As the 2022 Legislative Session officially begins, the Legislature is poised to tackle legislation ranging from vaccines mandates to election security to housing, but the real question on everyone’s mind is what the Legislature will do with the state’s historical budget surplus which now exceeds $1.6 billion. Look for policy …

Summary of Gov. Little’s State of the State Address and How It May Impact Counties

Governor Brad Little proposes big investments in transportation and education alongside tax cuts. The proposed budget would pay off state building debt and bolster rainy-day funds by adding more than $1 billion to the bank. It would also aim to spend $1.1 billion over the next five years on Idaho education. The Governor also proposed …

2022 IAC Legislative Priorities

Property tax continues to be a hot button issue across the state. The IAC Legislative Committee recognizes there are only two ways to provide property tax relief to homeowners: First, expand property tax exemptions for homeowners which results in a property tax shift to businesses and farms. Second, provide other non-property tax revenue sources in …