2022 Fall County Officials Institute Recap

The 2022 Fall County Officials Institute (COI) has wrapped just in time for newly elected county officials to take office and for the legislative session to begin. The training spanned two days this year and was held in three locations around the state from November to December. The training, facilitated by the Idaho Association of …

IAC Legislative Committee Sets 2023 Priorities

Last Wednesday, the IAC Legislative Committee met in Boise to set priorities for the upcoming legislative committee. The membership approved sixteen legislative resolutions at the IAC Annual Conference. IAC Affiliates agreed to take the lead on seven resolutions, leaving nine for the legislative committee to consider for prioritization. After a robust, thorough discussion regarding all …

IAC’s 2022 Annual Conference Recap

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) hosted its 2022 Annual Conference at the Boise Centre from September 26 to September 28. County elected officials and county staff from all parts of Idaho gathered in Downtown Boise to participate in the three-day conference. The event featured interactive workshops with presentations from subject-matter experts on topics impacting …

State Sales Tax Collections Remain Strong through August

The State of Idaho recently released its September 2022 Idaho General Fund Revenue Report (available here). For the second month in a row, state general fund revenues fell short of predicted revenues. Individual income tax collections once again were less than the same month of the prior year (down 10% compared to last August). For …

IAC Steering Committees: What to Expect at 2022 Annual Conference

The upcoming IAC Annual Conference agenda is packed with quality content and the IAC committee agendas are no exception. If you did not sign up for a 2022 steering committee, that’s okay; IAC members are still welcome to attend all committee meetings. This year during the committee meetings, we will pass around a sign-up sheet …

Time to Submit Your Proposed Legislative Resolutions for 2023

  The deadline to submit proposed legislative resolutions is fast approaching. Be sure to get your resolutions in to IAC policy staff by September 1st, 2022. This will ensure they are considered by the IAC Membership for inclusion in the 2023 IAC Legislative Package. Legislative resolutions may be submitted through your affiliate, districts, and committees. …

Gov. Little’s Signing of H735 Provides Historic Public Defense Funding & Ongoing Property Tax Relief

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) applauds Legislative Leaders and Governor Little for taking bold action on public defense reform by passing House Bill 735. “House Bill 735 provides historic reform regarding how public defense is funded,” says Seth Grigg, IAC Executive Director. “Instead of counties footing the bill using property tax dollars, state sales …

2022 Legislative Session Takeaway

The Idaho Legislature adjourned last week sine die, marking the end of a session that will be remembered as one of the most important sessions for counties in recent history. Idaho counties scored major wins that reform public defense delivery (H0735), repeal the county medically indigent program (H0735), increase transportation funding (H0772, S1359), transfer funding …

What to Watch: Week of March 21

This week will likely be the final week of the 2022 Legislative Session. Even though we are in the home stretch, IAC is still monitoring around a dozen bills. The bills highlighted below are still alive and need IAC members to be actively engaged, particularly with the Senate and in the case of one bill, …

Busy Legislative Week Ahead

The Legislature is barreling towards adjournment later this week, with Friday, March 25th as the targeted day of adjournment. As the session winds down, there are a number of bills to be on the lookout for, including additional transportation funding. The biggest issue outstanding for counties is House Bill 735. House Bill 735 is set to …