2023 Spring County Officials Institute Recap

The 2023 Spring County Officials Institute (COI) has wrapped with four trainings taking place around the state during the month of May. IAC Policy Staff traveled to Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Coeur d’Alene, and Boise to provide Idaho’s county elected officials and county staff a comprehensive review of the 2023 Legislative Session and training on …

Submitting Your Proposed Legislative Resolutions for 2024

With summer affiliate conferences just around the corner, here’s a quick reminder about the process to submit a proposed resolution to IAC for consideration for inclusion in the 2024 resolution packet. You can access the 2024 Resolution Template here. The first page of the template includes all of IAC’s guidelines for proposed resolutions. The second …

2023 ISA & IJAA Spring Conference Recap

The Idaho Sheriffs’ Association (ISA) and the Idaho Jail Administrators Association (IJAA) held their 2023 Spring Conference at the Sun Valley Resort from May 9 – 11. The event drew sheriffs, jail administrators, and deputies from around Idaho for presentations and training from subject matter experts, roundtable discussions, business meetings, committee reports, awards, and more. …

House Bill 236 and Next Steps

Governor Little recently held a ceremonial bill signing for House Bill 236, capping off a two-session process to transition from a county-based public defense system to a state-based public defense system. While House Bill 236 was actually signed in March, the Governor wanted to recognize the efforts of county officials and public defenders in coming …

2023 Legislative Session a Success for Counties

With the 2023 Legislative Session largely in the rearview mirror, counties across the state will enter 2024 in a stronger position. 2023 has been a good year for counties. Not only will county property taxpayers see real property tax relief, but counties will also receive funding enhancement for transportation and public defense services. Additionally, the …

What to Watch: Week of March 20, 2023

While the 2023 Legislative Session is winding down, we are still tracking bills here, including House Bill 292 (property tax relief), House Bill 236 (public defense reform), and Senate Concurrent Resolution 101 (Support for EMS Sustainability Taskforce). Seth Grigg discusses H292 and H236 in his From the Executive Director article this week, so I am …

From the Executive Director – March 20, 2023

2023 Legislative Session Winding Down As the Legislature enters week 11, all signs point to an adjournment as soon as Friday, March 24th, but more realistically sometime the week of March 27th. I don’t expect any new major pieces of legislation this week, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of other work to be …

What to Watch: Week of March 13, 2023

This week, we have three bills that we are tracking very closely. Two are bills that we support, regarding public defense and vape tax, and one is a bill that we oppose. Last Thursday, the State Public Defender Act (House Bill 236) passed the House. It is scheduled for a full hearing in Senate Judiciary …

House Revenue & Taxation Advance Property Tax Relief Package

The House Revenue & Taxation Committee approved House Bill 292 this morning on a 14-1 vote. The bill now advances to the floor of the House of Representatives for a full vote. The bill will likely be voted on in the next two days. House Bill 292 is the culmination of negotiations kicked off over …

What to Watch: Week of March 6, 2023

For years now, the Idaho Association of Counties has supported the taxation of vape products, creating a parody with the tax of tobacco products and, more importantly, providing additional funding for youth prevention and awareness of the dangers of vaping. This was an IAC priority in 2022 and again this year. With the introduction of …