Idaho Legislature Grants Limited Coronavirus Liability to Counties

During the recently completed special session, the Idaho Legislature adopted temporary legislation extending immunity to businesses, churches, cities, counties, and schools from claims associated with the transmission of coronavirus. The immunity is temporary because it sunsets (expires) on July 1, 2021. Over the course of two days, five different immunity bills were introduced. While each …

Elections Legislation Receives Governor Little’s Signature

The county clerks focused on two pieces of legislation during the Special Session. One would temporarily create vote centers increasing ease of voting in person at any precinct in the county instead of one assigned to you. The other piece of legislation focused on some temporary changes to the absentee ballot process. Vote Centers received …

Legislative Working Groups Recommend Special Legislative Session

It has been a busy few weeks for interim legislative committees and working groups. Joint Education, Judiciary and Rules, and State Affairs committees have met to explore the potential of a special legislative session. Among the topics covered include liability protections for both private businesses and governmental entities, the November general election, the jurisdiction of …

IAC Legislative Committee Update

The IAC Legislative Committee met Wednesday, July 22nd to discuss three important topics related to county government: the Property Tax Study Committee, Coronavirus liability reform, and the many challenges the coronavirus is creating regarding the fast-approaching November election. IAC Executive Director Seth Grigg kicked off the Legislative Committee meeting reporting local government budget transparency will …

CARES Act CRF Update

Last week county officials participated in two separate conference calls with staff from the Governor’s Office to discuss questions related to implementation of the Governor’s proposal to leverage Coronavirus Relief Funds to cover payroll expenses for public safety and public health personnel (known as the Idaho Local Public Safety Initiative). Due to questions raised by IAC …

Interim Committees to Watch

The interim committees recently confirmed by the Idaho Legislative Council were recently released. Here are the committees to watch over the next six months leading into the 2021 legislative session. According to the Idaho Legislature’s website, the 2020 Federalism Subcommittee on Federal Lands plans to monitor and review federal acts, laws, and regulations that may …

IAC Spring County Officials Institute: IAC Legislative Review

As part of the Spring County Officials Institute – Online, IAC is offering a free 2020 Legislative Review for county officials. IAC policy staff is tailoring this two-hour webinar to our different county elected official members: assessors, clerks, commissioners, treasurers, and a general session for all other positions.  Please only register for one session. You …

From the Executive Director: Week of March 9, 2020

First of all, brace yourselves for a flurry of emails on Medicaid expansion and property tax caps. Over the next week, the House will consider 2-3 bills related to Medicaid expansion, including the role of counties in funding Medicaid expansion. There are two competing Medicaid expansion funding bills. The first bill, House Bill 600 directs …

What to Watch: Week of March 9, 2020

IAC Priority Legislation On Thursday, March 6, Senate Bill 1339 (Clerk on Magistrate Commission) passed out of the House Judiciary and Rules Committee with a due pass recommendation. It is now on the 3rd reading calendar awaiting a final vote in the House. On Friday, March 7, House Bill 463 (Juvenile Pretrial Release) passed out …

From the Executive Director: Week of March 2, 2020

This past week, the House voted 46-23 to approve House Bill 409. The bill now advances to the Senate where members of the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee are negotiating amendments to replace the freeze language with a temporary cap in local government property tax budget increases. While no deal has been reached, there …