State Revenues Fall Short of Forecast in Latest Idaho General Fund Revenue Report

On Friday the Division of Financial Management published its June Idaho General Fund Revenue Report. The June report is important because it reflects sales tax collections for the month of April and provides the first glimpse into the impact of COVID-19 on sales tax receipts. Sales tax revenues for the month of April came in …

Interim Property Tax Committee Appointed

On Friday, June 5th the Legislative Council met for the first time since the end of the 2020 legislative session. During this meeting, the Legislative Council, made up of members of House and Senate leadership and members of the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee determined the number of members and membership from each legislative body for …

Idaho Department of Administration to Purchase and Distribute Masks, Gloves, and Sanitizer to State Agencies and Local Governments

The Idaho Department of Administration recently launched a program to purchase and distribute masks, gloves, and sanitizer to state agencies and political subdivisions. The new program is intended for non-medical and non-emergency personnel. Through the program, the following items are available: Disposable and reusable masks (not N95) Nitrile gloves Sanitizer (both low and high viscosity) …

CFAC Allocates CRF Funds to Counties

The Coronavirus Financial Accountability Committee (CFAC) met last week and finalized a framework to provide reimbursement for coronavirus related expenses incurred by state agencies and local and tribal governments. Funds will be dispersed from the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF). Under the framework adopted, state agencies are eligible for $57.7 million in reimbursements based on estimated …

Governor Little Announces Rebound Idaho Small Business Grants

On May 1st, Governor Little unveiled a plan to provide grant funding to small businesses impacted by coronavirus. Under the program, Governor Little will make up to $300 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund available to Idaho small businesses. The program provides up to $10,000 in grant funding for Idaho small businesses and nonprofits with …

Governor Little Issues Stay Healthy Order

On May 1st, Governor Little announced that Idaho would enter Stage 1 of Rebound Idaho. Stage 1 allows most Idaho businesses, churches, and daycares to open as long as they maintain social distancing and sanitation standards. Certain businesses, like gyms, bars, nightclubs, barber shops, and beauty salons will remain closed, as well as dine-in restaurant …

COVID-19 in Blaine County

By Jacob Greenberg, Blaine County Commissioner It’s a wild story. Blaine County, home to the famous Sun Valley Ski Resort, is a tourist-driven economy. With that comes large scale events and close proximity partying. Just what this virus likes. The first positive COVID-19 test results were reported on March 13th, 2020. Community spread was determined …

CFAC Begins Process of Setting CARES Act Allocation

The Governor’s COVID-19 Financial Accountability Committee (CFAC) met Friday to continue the process of developing a framework to allocate the state’s $1.25 billion in CARES Act funding. To date, the state has received approximately $600 million of its allocation. The committee has agreed to allocate 55% of the funds to state agencies. Another 30% will …

Self-Care in Times of Stress

We are living in a strange, historic time where are expected to cope with many different changes and challenges at the same time. County officials are on the front lines trying to provide the support and resources needed to fight this pandemic while also dealing with the stress of continuing to fund mandated services, provide …

IMD Waiver Approved

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced last week that it had approved the state of Idaho’s IMD waiver. Under federal Medicaid rules, institutions for mental disease (IMDs) are excluded from accepting Medicaid as payment for behavioral health services. The state of Idaho applied last fall for a waiver to allow IMDs in Idaho …