Idaho’s Citizen Commission for Reapportionment has been officially organized by Secretary of State Lawerence Denney. The Commission is an independent, bipartisan committee formed every 10 years to redraw Idaho’s congressional and legislative district boundaries. The Committee is composed of three democrats and three republicans with the sign off of at least four commissioners necessary for …
Continue reading “Redrawing of Idaho’s Legislative Districts Set to Begin”
In 2017, counties nationwide brought lawsuits against major pharmaceutical companies for supplying large quantities of opioids and selling them through deceptive marketing campaigns. The health and financial tolls of the national opioid drug epidemic prompted the lawsuits. Across the country, states are beginning to reach settlements on opioid litigation. These settlements, if agreed and adopted, …
Continue reading “Opioid Settlement Update: Deadlines, Incentives”
Did you know that in addition to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars directly distributed to counties, there are other funding pots that counties are eligible to apply for? You may be wondering what funding sources are available to citizens in your county and what direct assistance is securable for businesses, families and individuals. …
Continue reading “NACo Provides One-Stop Shop for ARPA Fund Grant Opportunities”
Over the past two years, the Idaho Legislature has been struggling to determine how to alleviate the massive tax shift toward residential property owners. In 2021, the Legislature passed House Bill 389, a comprehensive property tax bill that further capped local government budgets, increased the homeowner’s exemption by $25,000 and adjusted property-tax relief programs such …
Continue reading “Idaho Considers Assessment-Model Revamp to Lessen Residential Property Tax”
The Legislative Council met on Tuesday, July 13th to formalize interim committees. Due to the extended legislative session, interim committees will begin meeting later than in previous years. In total, the Legislative Council authorized seven interim committees and two study committees. IAC will monitor four of the committees: – Committee on Federalism – Committee on …
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Every 10 years, Idaho legislative districts are required to readjust based on the latest census by a redistricting commission made up of three Republicans and three Democrats. The committee members are chosen by the Senate Pro Tem, Speaker of the House, Idaho Republican Party Chair, Senate Minority Leader, House Minority Leader and the Idaho Democrat …
Continue reading “Redistricting Commission Appointments Complete”
In 1936, the Rural Electrification Act (REA) was passed to bring electricity to farms. Ninety percent of farms in the United States did not have access to electricity because it was too cost prohibitive to take electrical lines out to these rural areas. By the 1950’s eighty percent of farms had electricity and those numbers …
Property Taxes This week we expect to see Senate Bill 1108 receive further amendments on the Senate floor. These will likely affect the new construction percentages to make the bill more palatable to Senators. In addition, House Concurrent Resolution No. 15 was introduced on Thursday, March 11th. It will likely receive a hearing in the …
As we head down the homestretch of the legislative session, county officials must stand vigilant and be prepared to reach out to their legislators. The legislature has set a target date of March 26 to wrap up (most) of their work. I say most, because unlike in previous years, the legislature is poised to recess …
Continue reading “From the Executive Director: Week of March 15”
Property Tax Relief Proposals Gaining Traction This morning the House Revenue and Taxation Committee agreed to hold a full hearing on House Bill 309 which would increase access to the state property tax deferral program. This program, first started in 2006, allows a homeowner to defer paying their property tax assuming their home has equity. …