Help Steer IAC Policies in the Right Direction: Join a Committee

It’s that time when county elected officials can choose to participate in IAC steering committees for the coming year. IAC members should have received an email with an invitation to sign up for up to two of the groups. Those currently serving on committees who would like to remain on theirs or select new ones …

2021-2022 IAC Executive Board Members Sworn in at Annual Conference

During IAC’s Annual Conference in September, the election and installation ceremony for the organization’s 2021-2022 board of directors took place. Kathy Ackerman, Idaho County Clerk, took her position as Immediate Past President while Chris Goetz, Clearwater County Sheriff, accepted his new role of IAC President. Ada County Coroner Dotti Owens was installed as the First …

IAC Honors Belated 2020 Award Recipients at Annual Conference

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) recently organized for its Annual Conference where it held its yearly awards presentation. Due to the cancellation of the Annual Conference in 2020, the 2020 award recipients were honored at this year’s Annual Conference. The 2021 Mills-Adler and Syd Duncombe awards will be presented at the 2022 IAC Midwinter …

IAC Members Set Legislative Policy Priorities

At the IAC Annual Conference, the IAC membership debated important policy matters related to county governance. This year, the membership considered eight member-initiated legislative proposals. IAC steering committees advanced seven of the eight resolutions to the full membership for consideration. After robust debate, the membership adopted the seven legislative resolutions. The adopted resolutions are: IGA-01: …

Idaho Association of Counties’ 2021 Annual Conference Hailed a Success

The Idaho Association of Counties’ (IAC) Annual Conference resumed for the first time since 2019 at the Boise Centre in the heart of downtown from September 27 to September 29. The three-day conference brought county officials from across the state together for an educational and collaborative event that featured hands-on workshops, presentations by subject-matter experts, …

Idaho Association of County Assessors Installs New Leadership for 2021-2022

After being unable to meet in person for nearly two years, the Idaho Association of County Assessors (IACA) gathered in Salmon, Idaho for their annual conference in late August. It was a great opportunity to meet and learn with both new and returning assessors. The final evening featured a dinner and installment ceremony where the …

Idaho Redistricting Commissioners Hit the Road

The Idaho Redistricting Commission just finished its second week of redistricting meetings. During the first meeting, Bart Davis, former U.S. Attorney and former Senate Majority leader, and Dan Schmidt, former Latah County Coroner and Senator, were selected as the co-chairs of the committee. The redistricting commissioners received in-depth training regarding how to use the mapping …

IAC Staff Attends Western States Association Meeting

IAC Staff Sara Westbrook and Kristin Cundiff attended the Western States Association Staff Meeting hosted by the New Mexico Association of Counties in Santa Fe, NM from August 26-27, 2021. Representatives from six state associations, including Arizona, California, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington, discussed best practices, procedures and strategies for topics like conferences, current …

Idaho Association of County Treasurers Elects New Leadership for 2021-2022

This past August, the Idaho Association of County Treasurers (IACT) held their annual meeting along the banks of the beautiful Snake River in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The three-day conference was a welcome reprieve from nearly two years of digital conferences and phone meetings. Friends and colleagues gathered to share stories, discuss new legislation and attend …

The Property Taxes & Revenue Expenditures Study Committee Holds First Interim Meeting

The Property Taxes and Revenue Expenditures Study Committee held its first interim meeting on Friday, August 27, in Boise. Information about the interim committee including committee members, agenda topics and materials (coming soon) can be found here. The interim committee listened to an update from the State Controller’s Office regarding the implementation of House Bill …