Every year there are elections for the IAC District seats on the Capital Crimes Defense Fund Board. This year IAC Districts 1, 3, 5, and the at-large seat were up for re-election. Nomination forms are sent out in mid-July. This year only one nomination was received for district 1 and the at-large seat received more than one nomination. Districts 3 and 5 received nominations for the current seat holders.
The ballot for the at-large seat was sent out on the last Friday of August with them due back to IAC no later than September 25th. The results are in! Congratulations to Leslie Duncan on her uncontested nomination for district 1 and Bob Kunau for the at-large seat.
The current Capital Crimes Defense Fund Board:
District 1: Leslie Duncan, Kootenai County Commissioner (Term expires 9/30/22)
District 2: Doug Zenner, Nez Perce County Commissioner (Term expires 9/30/21)
District 3: Mark Rekow, Gem County Commissioner (Term expires 9/30/22)
District 4: Mark Bolduc, Gooding County Commissioner (Term expires 9/30/21)
District 5: Whitney Manwaring, Bingham County Commissioner (Term expires 9/30/22)
District 6: Jordan Stoddard, Fremont County Commissioner (Term expires 09/30/21)
At-Large: Bob Kunau, Cassia County Commissioner (Term expires 9/30/22)
Idaho’s counties are authorized by Idaho Code Section 19-863A to create a voluntary capital crimes defense fund (CCDF) to ease the burden of the cost of trials for death penalty cases. The CCDF is created through a Joint Powers Agreement authorized by chapter 23, title 67, Idaho Code, and is administered by a seven-member Board of Directors elected by the counties. The counties on a per capita basis pay the cost of operating the CCDF. For more information on the CCDF, visit the CCDF page on our website: https://idcounties.org/programs-and-services/ccdf/.