Week 10: Idaho Legislative Session

14 Mar 2025, by Sara Westbrook Share :

The legislature has moved very quickly this week, except when it comes to budgets. Multiple budgets were voted down this week in the Senate and the House, putting the Joint Finance Appropriation Committee a couple of weeks behind its original budget-setting goals. The Idaho Constitution requires a balanced budget to be set before the legislature may adjourn. If the legislature continues at the current rate, it will still be in session in April instead of finishing up on its original target date of March 21st. 

IAC Priorities

– House Bill 166 & House Bill 267 | Public Notices & Synopsis

House Bill 166 passed the House, but we have yet to secure a hearing in Senate State Affairs. House Bill 267, which would eliminate the county’s requirement to publish a monthly synopsis if recordings of the meetings and minutes are publicly available on the county website, will be heard on Tuesday, March 18th, in the House Local Government Committee. 

– House Bill 278 | Consolidated Elections/Dates & Deadlines

Good news! This bill passed the Senate yesterday afternoon. It is on its way to the governor’s desk for the final step in the legislative process, Governor Little’s signature.

– House Bill 388 | Tourism Tax

This bill was introduced earlier this week in the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. A few minor changes need to be made to the legislation, so a new RS is likely to be introduced soon. 

– Public Defense Reform

Public Defense Reform, while a bill has not been printed yet, Seth Grigg has been working closely with the legislature and governor’s office toward a solution. Negotiations are ongoing, and we are optimistic that a bill will be introduced soon, bringing us closer to much-needed reform in this area.

– Senate Bill 1118 | Procurement Thresholds

S1118 passed the House floor this morning, so it is now in the final step of the legislative process. It will be on its way to the Governor’s office for his signature soon.

IAC Policies

– House Bill 244 & 314 | Youth Vape Prevention

House Bill 314 and House Bill 244 both address different components of youth vape prevention. Unfortunately, momentum has slowed for these two proposals. 

– House Bill 130 | Hospital Property Tax Exemption

This bill passed the House last week and will likely be scheduled for a hearing in Senate Local Government and Taxation early next week.

– House Bills 206 & 207, Senate Bill 1159 | EMS 

House Bill 206 and its accompanying trailer bill H0207 passed the Senate earlier this week. Both bills are awaiting Governor Little’s signature. Senate Bill 1159 is a third trailer bill on this topic. It would remove the county’s responsibility to ensure that EMS services are reasonably provided throughout the county as the responsibility to endorse a separate taxing district’s application for potential EMS grant funds. It passed the Senate earlier this week and was routed to the House State Affairs Committee.

– Senate Bill 1101 | Coroner Duties, Definitions, Standards

This bill passed both chambers and is now awaiting the Governor’s signature.