Idaho Association of County Assessors Holds 2022 Annual Conference

The Idaho Association of County Assessors (IACA) met in Twin Falls, Idaho at the Canyon Crest Event Center August 22nd through the 25th for its 2022 Annual Conference. The event featured presenters and updates from the State Tax Commission, the Idaho Transportation Department, Urban Renewal, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and ICRMP. IAC staff also …

Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks Holds 2022 Annual Conference

The Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks (IACRC) met in Sandpoint, Idaho at the Schweitzer Mountain Resort August 15th through 18th for its 2022 Annual Conference. Idaho’s county clerks gathered from all 44 counties to participate in the event, which featured committee meetings on elections, budget, nominating, education, and recording. There were workshops on …