What to Watch For: January 6-10

The first two weeks of the Session will be largely organizational in nature. Over the next few days, House and Senate Committees will convene for organizational meetings and then get to work reviewing administrative rules. The administrative rules review process will take a little more time this year given that all rules (both existing and …

What to Watch For: January 6-10

The first two weeks of the Session will be largely organizational in nature. Over the next few days, House and Senate Committees will convene for organizational meetings and then get to work reviewing administrative rules. The administrative rules review process will take a little more time this year given that all rules (both existing and …

From the Executive Director: 2019 Legislative Session Update

The end of the 2019 Legislative Session is in sight! Below you’ll find some of the highlights of this year’s session. For a complete overview of the session, I invite you to attend the Spring County Officials Insititute. I’m looking forward to seeing our members around the state. -Seth Grigg, IAC Executive Director Spring County …

Final Legislative Bulletin

From the Director The Idaho Legislature wrapped up its work approving legislation on Friday. Legislators will remain in Boise until Wednesday, March 28th in the event that they need to take action on legislation vetoed by the Governor. As you may recall, one of the outcomes from last year’s Supreme Court decision on the Governor’s veto of …

IAC Legislative Bulletin – January 30, 2018

From the Director During the interim three county commissioners (Ladd Carter, Bingham County; Dave McGraw, Latah County; and Terry Kramer, Twin Falls County) met monthly with three mayors (Shawn Barigar, Twin Falls; Paul Loomis, Blackfoot; and Diana Thomas, Weiser) to work together to develop consensus legislation to both address Idaho’s magistrate court funding challenges and …

IAC Legislative Bulletin – January 16, 2018

From the Director Happy New Year! With the start of a new year comes the start of Idaho’s annual legislative session. IAC staff have been working to develop new tools to better communicate with the membership to help keep you informed of legislative proceedings in Boise. In addition to maintaining the IAC bill tracker on …

IAC Legislative Committee sets 2018 Legislative Priorities

Each year, IAC’s Legislative Committee sets the association’s state legislative priorities. These priorities, adopted with the input of policy committees and the membership at the IAC Annual Conference, help to guide IAC’s efforts throughout the year. Fourteen resolutions were presented to IAC’s policy committees at the Annual Conference in Boise. Out of the fourteen resolutions …

IAC Legislative Staff Update – Week of March 14

Public defense This was a big legislative week for public defense. House Bill 504 passed the Senate on 3/15, and is heading to the Governor’s desk. The funding bill, which would provide the $5.5 million to make HB504 possible, was introduced on 3/16, passed the House unanimously on 3/18, and is making its way to …

2016 Legislative Update

We are almost done with another legislative session. I wanted to bring you up to date with what the Legislative Committee has been working on both with our IAC resolutions, but also other items that may have impact on Idaho counties. First the IAC resolution package for 2016: Absentee Ballot Mailing Deadline: (S1274).  Has passed …

Senate Health and Welfare – Medicaid Expansion

Well… Yesterday was an interesting day in the Idaho State Capital.  Senator Schmidt presented to the Senate Health and Welfare committee for S1204 and S1205.  There was a large turn out.  The halls were bustling with the many people to show support and opposition to these bills.  We started out good with the Senator’s introducing …