IAC Legislative Committee Update

The IAC Legislative Committee met Wednesday, July 22nd to discuss three important topics related to county government: the Property Tax Study Committee, Coronavirus liability reform, and the many challenges the coronavirus is creating regarding the fast-approaching November election. IAC Executive Director Seth Grigg kicked off the Legislative Committee meeting reporting local government budget transparency will …

2020 IAC Scholarship Fund Recipients Announced

Idaho Association of Counties announces the 2020 recipients of the IAC Scholarship. Seven Idaho students have received a $1,000 scholarship from the Idaho Association of Counties. They are: Grace Shelton, a sophomore at Carroll College, is the recipient of the IAC Scholarship for District 1. Grace is the daughter of Christopher Shelton, an employee in …

CARES Act CRF Update

Last week county officials participated in two separate conference calls with staff from the Governor’s Office to discuss questions related to implementation of the Governor’s proposal to leverage Coronavirus Relief Funds to cover payroll expenses for public safety and public health personnel (known as the Idaho Local Public Safety Initiative). Due to questions raised by IAC …

CAT Board holds final meeting of FY20

The Catastrophic Health Care Program board of directors held its final meeting of the fiscal year this week. The meeting caseload eclipsed all other meetings this fiscal year with 159 cases for the board to review. The board approved over $3 million in claims to be paid.   No evidence of a slow down due to Medicaid …

Apply now for open IAC Board positions

According to the IAC Bylaws and the rotation schedule for elections, a coroner is eligible to run as the IAC 2nd Vice President (formerly Secretary/Treasurer) for the upcoming year (October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021). Please see Article V, Sections 3 and 6 below. In addition to the 2nd Vice President, the NACo Representative …

Register Now for IAC Summer Webinars

While COVID-19 has us canceling in-person events, IAC is stepping-up with weekly online trainings. The IAC Summer Webinar Series kicked off on July 1. Register to attend timely webinars throughout the summer as part of the IAC Summer Webinar Series! Join Jerry Mason, ICRMP Counsel, as he outlines what Idaho law establishes as the basic …

Interim Committees to Watch

The interim committees recently confirmed by the Idaho Legislative Council were recently released. Here are the committees to watch over the next six months leading into the 2021 legislative session. According to the Idaho Legislature’s website, the 2020 Federalism Subcommittee on Federal Lands plans to monitor and review federal acts, laws, and regulations that may …

2020 Census Car Caravan Weekend

The U.S. Census Bureau invites you to participate in the 2020 Census Car Caravan Weekend! A car caravan is a parade of cars that drives through a strategically selected route. Each car in the caravan displays census messaging to raise awareness of the 2020 Census. Please keep social distancing measures in place per the CDC …

State Revenues Fall Short of Forecast in Latest Idaho General Fund Revenue Report

On Friday the Division of Financial Management published its June Idaho General Fund Revenue Report. The June report is important because it reflects sales tax collections for the month of April and provides the first glimpse into the impact of COVID-19 on sales tax receipts. Sales tax revenues for the month of April came in …

Reopening County Facilities Webinar

IAC hosted and moderated a webinar on Monday, May 18 focused on reopening county courthouses and facilities. Panelists included: Alberto Gonzalez, Division of Motor Vehicles Administrator, Idaho Transportation Department Carol Moehrle, Director, Idaho North Central Public Health District Jim McNall, Risk Management Specialist, ICRMP Tammy Middleton, Human Resources Manager, ICRMP Jerry Mason, Legal Counsel, ICRMP …