Capital Crimes Defense Fund

Every year there are elections for the IAC District seats on the Capital Crimes Defense Fund Board. This year IAC Districts 1, 3, 5, and the at-large seat were up for re-election. Nomination forms are sent out in mid-July. This year only one nomination was received for district 1 and the at-large seat received more …

IAC Annual Business Meeting

It’s not too late to get registered for IAC’s Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, September 30 at 10:00 am MT/9:00 am PT! Business Meeting – Register Now! We’ll hear from the current IAC President Jerry White, vote for IAC’s next 2nd Vice President, vote on our legislation resolution, draw for prizes from our exhibitor passports …

Candidates for 2020-2021 IAC Board of Directors

According to the IAC Bylaws and the rotation schedule for elections, a coroner is eligible to run as the IAC 2nd Vice President (formerly Secretary/Treasurer) for the upcoming year (October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021). Each candidate completed an application so they could share a little about themselves and why they are interested in …

2020 IAC Annual Conference is Going Virtual

The 2020 IAC Annual Conference is coming to you virtually!  Please join us online for a Membership Meeting, Virtual EXPO, Business Meeting, and Committee Meetings.  Register to attend it all! AGENDA 10:00 am                   Call to Order and Announcements10:15 am                   IAC Summer Legislative Activity Recap10:30 am                   General Session: Truth in Taxation                    …

Join Us for Upcoming IAC Steering Committees

Many, though not all, IAC members have participated in at least one of the IAC Steering Committees. For those of you who have not, this week and next week are the times to dive in. These meetings are open to the public, meaning that even if you did not sign up for a steering committee …

Extraordinary Session in Every Sense of the Word

The Extraordinary Session called by Governor Little lived up to its name. It was unlike any session we have ever witnessed. The tenor from the beginning was strained. Protestors shouting from the fourth floor of the Capitol could be heard on the Garden Level. Some deputy clerks witnessed the mayhem that resulted in the shattering …

Idaho Legislature Grants Limited Coronavirus Liability to Counties

During the recently completed special session, the Idaho Legislature adopted temporary legislation extending immunity to businesses, churches, cities, counties, and schools from claims associated with the transmission of coronavirus. The immunity is temporary because it sunsets (expires) on July 1, 2021. Over the course of two days, five different immunity bills were introduced. While each …

Elections Legislation Receives Governor Little’s Signature

The county clerks focused on two pieces of legislation during the Special Session. One would temporarily create vote centers increasing ease of voting in person at any precinct in the county instead of one assigned to you. The other piece of legislation focused on some temporary changes to the absentee ballot process. Vote Centers received …

State of Idaho Updates FY2021 Revenue Outlook

This past week during IAC’s biweekly conference call with Governor Little, Alex Adams, Director of the Division of Financial Management, announced that the state of Idaho was revising its revenue forecast for the current fiscal year. Unemployment is currently hovering around 5.6% and consumer spending has rebounded since April lows. Given these important indicators, the …

Legislative Working Groups Recommend Special Legislative Session

It has been a busy few weeks for interim legislative committees and working groups. Joint Education, Judiciary and Rules, and State Affairs committees have met to explore the potential of a special legislative session. Among the topics covered include liability protections for both private businesses and governmental entities, the November general election, the jurisdiction of …