Governor’s State of the State Address: Highlighting County Issues

Yesterday, Governor Brad Little delivered the State of the State address in a new format—virtually. The speech was short in comparison to years past without the usual breaks for legislative applause. It clocked-in around 30 minutes long. With a theme of “Building Idaho’s Future,” he touched on several topics that will be of interest to …

Member Portal – Risk Management on Demand… Coming Soon!

ICRMP strives to develop new ways and methods to assist members with the challenges they face as governmental entities. One of our newest developments is the creation of a “members only” portal on our website. This portal will allow members to access a learning management system for online trainings and policy reviews, provide access to …

Sign-Up for IAC Steering Committees Today

Are you new to IAC? Are you a veteran member who has served in office for a while? Either way, we need you. Each of you brings something unique to the table through your various life experiences. Please sign up for two of our five steering committees to get involved and stay in-the-know about policy …

NACo Board of Directors Annual Business Meeting

On December 4th, 2020, the National Association of Counties (NACo) held its annual business meeting for the NACo Board of Directors.  The meeting was called to order by Honorable Gary Moore, President of NACo.  This meeting is usually held in the state and county of the current president but was held virtually this year due to …

Get to Know IACMPAA

The Idaho Association of Counties Misdemeanor Probation Administrator’s Association is a membership-based association for misdemeanor probation administrators around the state of Idaho. There is a yearly cost to each county to be a member of this association but counties are not obligated to join the association. Counties that elect to join the association have the …

Check Out IAC’s Data Portal!

IAC has been brainstorming ideas for how to get county-specific data to our members for quite some time now. Our goal is to ensure our members the latest and most germane information so you are never in the dark about what’s happening. Enter the new IAC data portal! On the Research & Data tab at …

Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) which raises awareness about the importance of cybersecurity across our Nation. According to, cyberattacks on state and local governments have risen almost 50% since 2017. How can you keep your county safe? Think about your passwords We all know it’s best to use a complicated password. Preferably …

2021 Scholarship Application Now Available

Are you a county elected official or county employee with a child or grandchild who is a senior in high school this year or currently attending college? If so, please invite them to apply for one of our IAC Scholarships. Seven recipients will receive $1,000 scholarships. The IAC Scholarship Fund was created in 1996 to …

A New First: IAC Holds Annual Business Meeting Online

The Coronavirus pandemic has presented many challenges over the past seven months. With those challenges, come unexpected changes. This year IAC held its Annual Business Meeting in a virtual setting in lieu of holding an in-person event. While we certainly missed the interactions and networking of a typical Annual Conference, the IAC Members rose to …

Idaho Association of Counties elects new leadership for 2020-2021

Kathy Ackerman, Idaho County, took office on October 1 as the president of the Idaho Association of Counties (IAC). Ackerman and the new IAC officers were installed at IAC’s annual business meeting on September 30. The association held its annual business meeting virtually through GoToWebinar. Ackerman serves as the Idaho County Clerk, a position she’s …