2022 IACC Annual Conference Recap

County elected officials and IAC policy staff recently spent several days in Burley, Idaho, for the 2022 Idaho Association of Commissioners and Clerks (IACC) Annual Conference. During the conference, Boundary County Commissioner Dan Dinning received the Mills Adler Award for his many accomplishments and dedication to serving Idaho counties. New leadership was also established at …

Broadband Speed-Testing Grant Opportunity for Idaho Counties

Many, if not all, of the counties in Idaho are looking for ways to enhance broadband coverage. There are some great opportunities available right now through the use of ARPA dollars, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL), as well as state funding that has been set aside (both ARPA funds and state funds without federal strings …

Hidden Gems: Celebrate National County Government Month this April

Help us celebrate National County Government Month by showcasing your county’s hidden gems all month long! National County Government Month (NCGM), held each April, is an annual celebration of county government. We invite you to take this opportunity to promote the important programs and services your county offers. You can use social media to show …

Gov. Little’s Signing of H735 Provides Historic Public Defense Funding & Ongoing Property Tax Relief

The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) applauds Legislative Leaders and Governor Little for taking bold action on public defense reform by passing House Bill 735. “House Bill 735 provides historic reform regarding how public defense is funded,” says Seth Grigg, IAC Executive Director. “Instead of counties footing the bill using property tax dollars, state sales …

2022 Legislative Session Takeaway

The Idaho Legislature adjourned last week sine die, marking the end of a session that will be remembered as one of the most important sessions for counties in recent history. Idaho counties scored major wins that reform public defense delivery (H0735), repeal the county medically indigent program (H0735), increase transportation funding (H0772, S1359), transfer funding …

2022 IAC Salary & Benefits Survey Now Available

The 2022 IAC Salary and Benefits Survey is now available for electronic download. IAC surveyed all 44 counties and a total of 40 counties participated in this year’s survey. The electronic survey is available in an excel spreadsheet so that our members can use the data how they see fit. If you find any errors, …

What to Watch: Week of March 21

This week will likely be the final week of the 2022 Legislative Session. Even though we are in the home stretch, IAC is still monitoring around a dozen bills. The bills highlighted below are still alive and need IAC members to be actively engaged, particularly with the Senate and in the case of one bill, …

Busy Legislative Week Ahead

The Legislature is barreling towards adjournment later this week, with Friday, March 25th as the targeted day of adjournment. As the session winds down, there are a number of bills to be on the lookout for, including additional transportation funding. The biggest issue outstanding for counties is House Bill 735. House Bill 735 is set to …

What to Watch: Week of March 14

This week we encourage IAC members to reach out to your Senators to express support for House Bill 735, the public defense spending bill and to keep an eye on the appropriation bills to determine whether or not the legislature will adjourn soon. Public Defense Funding House Bill 735, sponsored by Representatives Jon Weber (District …

From the Executive Director: Week of March 14

Major Property Tax Legislation Held House Bill 741, legislation to raise the sales tax from 6% to 7.85% and properties receiving the homestead exemption from paying most nonschool property taxes, will not move forward this session.The legislation proved to be too complex and too big of a change in tax policy to advance this late …