Interim Committees to Watch

The interim committees recently confirmed by the Idaho Legislative Council were recently released. Here are the committees to watch over the next six months leading into the 2021 legislative session. According to the Idaho Legislature’s website, the 2020 Federalism Subcommittee on Federal Lands plans to monitor and review federal acts, laws, and regulations that may …

Interim Property Tax Committee Appointed

On Friday, June 5th the Legislative Council met for the first time since the end of the 2020 legislative session. During this meeting, the Legislative Council, made up of members of House and Senate leadership and members of the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee determined the number of members and membership from each legislative body for …

Uncertainty: A Catalyst for Good

The year 2020 has been filled with uncertainty thus far. Uncertainty regarding whether or not counties will need to chip in a large portion for Medicaid expansion. Uncertainty regarding what property tax changes and restrictions may be coming our way. Uncertainty about whether or not the state will be shut down due to COVID-19. Uncertainty …

Get Involved: Support Local Gems this Friday, April 24th

Idaho small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and the backbone of our state’s economy. However, the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak has forced widespread closures of small businesses across the Gem State, threatening livelihoods, acute job losses, and imperiling the future of local establishments across our state. That’s why the Idaho Association of Counties has …

Self-Care in Times of Stress

We are living in a strange, historic time where are expected to cope with many different changes and challenges at the same time. County officials are on the front lines trying to provide the support and resources needed to fight this pandemic while also dealing with the stress of continuing to fund mandated services, provide …

Idaho Congressmen Answer County Commissioner Questions

On Friday, IAC hosted a call for County Commissioners in the first district with Representative Russ Fulcher and a call with Representative Mike Simpson for County Commissioners in the 2nd district. Both had words of encouragement for Idaho county officials. Here are some of the highlights from the calls. Representative Russ Fulcher Rep. Fulcher shared …

What to Watch: Week of March 9, 2020

IAC Priority Legislation On Thursday, March 6, Senate Bill 1339 (Clerk on Magistrate Commission) passed out of the House Judiciary and Rules Committee with a due pass recommendation. It is now on the 3rd reading calendar awaiting a final vote in the House. On Friday, March 7, House Bill 463 (Juvenile Pretrial Release) passed out …

Update on Policy Legislation – Week of February 17, 2020

We had some opportunities this year to move additional legislation that made it on the policy list. Senate Bill 1269, which is meant to clarify standards regarding the security of ballots between election day and the time period for a re-count, has passed the Senate and is making its way to the House. Legislation to …

Update on Priority Legislation – Week of February 17, 2020

The past week has been a busy one for our priority legislation. The Public Defense Pilot Project legislation (House Bill 429) had a hearing in the House Judiciary and Rules Committee yesterday afternoon. There was a robust discussion led by our bill sponsor Chairman Chaney. The committee is set up a bit differently this year, so …