The Idaho Broadband Advisory Board (IBAB) has finalized a statewide strategic plan for structuring, prioritizing, and dispensing grants from the Idaho Broadband Fund. IBAB aims to serve 100% of Idaho businesses and homes with broadband speeds of at least 100 megabits per second minimum for download and 20 megabits per second for upload speed by …
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Many, if not all, of the counties in Idaho are looking for ways to enhance broadband coverage. There are some great opportunities available right now through the use of ARPA dollars, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL), as well as state funding that has been set aside (both ARPA funds and state funds without federal strings …
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The Idaho Association of Counties (IAC) applauds Legislative Leaders and Governor Little for taking bold action on public defense reform by passing House Bill 735. “House Bill 735 provides historic reform regarding how public defense is funded,” says Seth Grigg, IAC Executive Director. “Instead of counties footing the bill using property tax dollars, state sales …
This week will likely be the final week of the 2022 Legislative Session. Even though we are in the home stretch, IAC is still monitoring around a dozen bills. The bills highlighted below are still alive and need IAC members to be actively engaged, particularly with the Senate and in the case of one bill, …
This week we encourage IAC members to reach out to your Senators to express support for House Bill 735, the public defense spending bill and to keep an eye on the appropriation bills to determine whether or not the legislature will adjourn soon. Public Defense Funding House Bill 735, sponsored by Representatives Jon Weber (District …
Multiple Bills Significantly Impacting Counties Up this Week In addition to the property tax/sales tax replacement bill House Bill 741 which we have been tracking closely, many other key bills affecting counties will likely be on the move this week. Three of the bills mentioned below could provide property tax relief while still keeping counties …
Special IAC Member Meeting on Property Tax Replacement Proposal this Week Leaders in the House and Senate are focusing in on a proposal to increase the state sales tax to 7.95%, dedicating the increase to expand the grocery tax credit and provide property tax relief for owner-occupied homes. Under the proposal, anyone receiving the homestead …
Behavioral Health & Transportation in Committees This Week The Senate Health and Welfare Committee scheduled for 3:00 p.m. MST today will hold a print hearing on RS29526 related to Civil Commitments. The civil commitment proposal adjusts the responsibility for the costs for involuntary commitments. With HB316 from the last session, there were unintended cost shifts …
Idaho Legislature Full Steam Ahead The 2022 Legislative Session started out slowly, but the pace is quickening rapidly. This week, we encourage IAC members to watch the House and Senate Committee hearings, keeping an eye out for legislation affecting counties. Some of the legislation being heard includes IAC sponsored legislation. For example, yesterday, House Bill …
Proposed Changes to Circuit Breaker Eligibility Last year, House Bill 389 changed the Property Tax Relief (PTR) eligibility requirements by adding restrictions that disallow residents from qualifying if their homes are valued over 125% of the median residential property value of the county. With this change, many previous qualifiers are no longer eligible. House Bill …