Idaho Association of County Assessors Holds 2023 Fall Meeting

By Justin Baldwin, Gooding County Assessor The Idaho Association of County Assessors (IACA) met in Boise on December 5, 2023 for their annual fall meeting. While not directly involved in the collection of taxes, much of the discussion of the assessors revolved around the difficulty of the recent tax drive and how this was exacerbated …

Idaho Association of County Assessors Holds 111th Annual Conference

By Justin Baldwin, Gooding County Assessor Assessors from across the state of Idaho gathered among the pine-shrouded hills of Kellogg for the 111th annual conference of the Idaho Association of County Assessors (IACA). Shoshone County Assessor Jerry White welcomed the attendees to his county. He explained, the county was formed in 1861 and the main …