The Extraordinary Session called by Governor Little lived up to its name. It was unlike any session we have ever witnessed. The tenor from the beginning was strained. Protestors shouting from the fourth floor of the Capitol could be heard on the Garden Level. Some deputy clerks witnessed the mayhem that resulted in the shattering …
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The Catastrophic Health Care Program board of directors held its final meeting of the fiscal year this week. The meeting caseload eclipsed all other meetings this fiscal year with 159 cases for the board to review. The board approved over $3 million in claims to be paid. No evidence of a slow down due to Medicaid …
Earlier this month, the Catastrophic Health Care Cost (CAT) Program Board held its organizational meeting during IAC’s Midwinter Legislative Conference. The following board members were elected as officers: Chair: Roger Christensen, Bonneville County Commissioner Vice Chair: Greg Johnson, Lewis County Commissioner Secretary: Bill Lasley, Power County Commissioner The CAT Board welcomed several new members this …
The Catastrophic Health Care Cost Program welcomed two new board members on January 1st: Senator Maryanne Jordan, Boise, and Commissioner Bill Lasley, Power County. Legislators are appointed to the CAT Board by legislative leadership. Legislators serve at the will of their legislative body and all terms of service are indefinite. Senator Jordan is serving her …